Frequent questions

Are the products original?

All our products are 100% original and are purchased directly from authorized brands or distributors. Some designers have certificates of authenticity, if so, this is included in your product.

All products have their original packaging and labels.

You can rest assured that you are purchasing a 100% original and never used product. Otherwise, we have a full refund guarantee on your purchase.

Do you only have one of each in stock?

In order to offer a wide variety of products that are always on trend, we only have a small quantity of each product, so we recommend that if you like it a lot, buy it before it runs out!

What are the payment methods?

  • Credit or Debit Card (via Stripe)
    • We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express
  • Paypal
    • Access your PayPal account for fast payment
  • Payment on Delivery
    • In shipments within the city of Chihuahua, you have the option of paying in cash at the time the purchase is delivered.
  • Bank Deposit
    • By selecting this option, our bank account will be provided for you to make the transfer or deposit.
  • Payment in Months
    • You have the option to pay in 3, 6 or 9 months! The cost per month is found in the description of each product. You will be sent a Mercado Pago link so that you can make your payment by choosing the number of monthly installments you prefer. Once completed, your product will be prepared to be shipped.

Is my personal information safe?

We assure you of the absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected and therefore we adopt essential security measures to prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access and thus guarantee its integrity and security. We have an anti-fraud system that guarantees that your payment and your information are safe.

What are the return and exchange policies?

Because our products are luxury, we do not accept returns or exchanges. If you have any problem with your order, do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you solve it in the best way!

What if I don't like it?

All our products are luxury and therefore should be treated as such. We cannot accept returns in order to keep the products in perfect condition and ensure their authenticity at all times. We recommend that you take a good look at the photos and measurements before buying. In case you are interested in seeing videos, the product put on, etc. You can contact us via Instagram direct message (FIFTHNBOND_) or via Whatsapp at 6146047048 and we will gladly send you whatever you need to be 100% sure of your purchase.

Do you have frequent customer benefits?

Sure! When you buy more than 3 products with us (it can be on different occasions) we will send you a $500 pesos coupon that you can use to purchase any item in the store with a price greater than $590 pesos.